Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Gods not Dead

I have been a tad bit busy this past week and I am sorry for the delay of post. God has been moving big time in my life and I couldnt be more happy!!!! This past week we have enjoyed the zoo, homecoming, and revival. To fully understand the reason for my title "My Gods Not Dead" I am going to have to guide you through my weeks journey starting with Saturday, the Zoo.

Day 1: Saturday-The Zoo:
    Let me begin by saying how blessed and thankful I am for getting the opportunity to get off work on a Saturday. I was so excited to see the kids faces as they visited all the animals that I set my alarm clock to get up an hour earlier than I should just so I could cook them breakfast. I could have easily opted for the most convenient way to feed my little family. But I didnt. My kids will now always share that morning memory with me. They were so excited. The day was filled with many awes and wows and smiles all around!!!! I love seeing my little family so happy. God sure knew what he was doing when he made smiles. I believe he made them to melt mommas hearts :) My day was so stress free and relaxing...until I got home. Then the to-do list hit me. I had to make a meal for homecoming at our church and I had to come up with an outfit to wear for "Old Timers day". OH MY WORD! Here I was at roughly 7 oclock making my first every crockpot chicken and dressing, getting the kids ready for bed, getting church clothes out, and cleaning house.... All of a sudden the stress free fun day seemed like a long ago memory. As thing were wrapping up for the night I was able to get back to that stress free mood simply by having a little talk with God. He sure does know how to bring things into perspective.

Day 2: Sunday-Homecoming/Old timers day
     The morning started off with me oversleeping. Ugh Oh. Never Good. I then had to rush out of bed and rush to get kids fed, dressed, and ready for church...After they were ready, I believe I had approximately 45 minutes to get myself ready. I am super mom, I can do this in 45 minutes!!! Shower-done. Hair fixed. BAM...A RUN IN MY PANTY HOSE! And lo and behold that was my only pair...I stepped back from the situation that would normally have me in a melt down and said alright devil you will not get me I embraced those ripped panty hose and had at it... :))) Got out the door 5 minutes before church started and took a deep breath and pulled out of the driveway. We listened to Klove the entire way there. That radio station is a GodSend. Powerful spiritual uplifting through music. Got in church and enjoyed the morning service. Never anything short of a blessing from God from our church...:) Everything was going good and then sweet little Kayla got sick. So instead of us getting to spend time with our church family in fellowship after service I got to spend the rest of the afternoon taking care of a sick little one. Bless her heart, I do not like when any of my kids are sick. After an afternoon of sleeping and medicine, Kayla began to feel a lot better. Thank you Jesus.

Day 3: Monday-Revival day 1
   Work day was good. Kayla was better. Everythings going smooth. Get to church and recieved a great message from Marvin Morrow. I get such a bessing out of watching all the kids in our church get up and sing praises to Our Lord.

Day 4: Tuesday-Revival day 2
   Tuesday started of wonderful. It was a beautiful day and I was off work!!!! Just me and my little kman. We cleaned, played, had a lunch date, and took a nap! After naptime we picked up the girls from school. Then all of a sudden my two year old angel turned into a monster. He screamed from the second the girls were in the car until we got home. Get in the house and he decided to bite kayla, hit me, and throw one of the biggest temper tantrums i have ever seen. Where did my little angel go? Okay, I am stressed by now. Had to call my mother for her to talk my nerves down some. I then stepped back again and said "Devil your not getting to me tonight either"! Got to church and the woman had prayer before  church started. I asked, in a serious manner, to pray for me to get through the night with caleb. We took our seats and I looked over as the singing started and couldnt believe my eyes. My little temper tantrum throwing two year old from two seconds ago just fell asleep! Many Many thanks to those ladies who praid for us that night! Revival was amazing and I could feel Gods presence.

Day 5: Wednesday-Revival Day 3
   Wednesday started off not so great. My nine year old, hailie, had the same stomach bug that kayla had. Oh NO THAT DEVIL IS PERSISTENT!!!!! So hailie stayed home from school and thank God her daddy was off work so I didnt have to be. Word day went well and I was so pumped up and ready for this nights revival. The last two just left me wanting more and more. Since their daddy was home and hailie had been sick I decided to go solo. Oh my goodness that 5 minute drive to church turned into a 5 minute rock session in my car! God knew that My plate had been full and allowed me to have this night to myself so I can whole mindedly Glorify him. Oh how happy I was to actually get to listen to a sermon. And this sermon was very special to me. GETTING BACK TO YOUR FIRST LOVE. Oh my! The bible says in Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee". Wow! How amazing is that? Just imagine this....The second our baby has made it to this world and we lay eyes on them we love them more than anything else in this world....But God knew them first and loved them first. And He did the same thing with us. He loved us before we were even created!! How great is our God?!!!!!! It was through this message that I felt the Lord telling me to recommit my life to him. See even though my works are good and my heart is right he still told me to obey him and recommit myself to him. Trust him and obey him. Through all situations! My God is not Dead! Christ is able! My heart has been filled and my cup runeth over! I am not cold or lukewarm!

Day 6,7, &8...

  Oh how I missed not having revival. But believe me I had plenty of other extra activities that had me occupied. Girl Scouts, sleepovers, and football. But nothing, I mean nothing, could get this peace that has been given to me from God away from me!

Day 9: SUNDAY!


See that devil really tried hard to keep me from going to revival. I never gave up. I kept the faith. I never disobeyed God and he rewarded me with the Holy Spirit. Perserverance and determination never comes without reward...MY GODS NOT DEAD!

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