Sunday, September 30, 2012

just a little chitter chatter

Its 10:55 pm and I cannot sleep. Does anyone else have this problem? My mind is racing from the excitement of this weekend. Friday night my little family spent a peaceful night at home. Which was well needed. Saturday was a crazy busy day at work and as soon as I got off I headed to our monthly ladies meeting at church. Whoa! Let me just say this, you people have not even begun to have fun until you get around these ladies!!!! Young and old we had a blast!!!! I woke up this morning feeling so refreshed and rejuvinated. Church was amazing as always. Paster M. really knows how to get the message across. After church we went to visit with my mom for awhile. Ahhh how I love sunday afternoon visits with her. We made it home around 3pm and somehow we all ended up taking a Sunday afternoon nap. :))))) I absolutely love Sunday afternoon naps! But as the saying goes "All good things come to an end but open the door for something better." ....The better was tonights church service. Footwashing and Communion. Yes, I am a foot washing baptist. lol. My daughter, Hailie, decided to participate tonight. And I believe she got more than just the normal foot washing treatment. Fool out foot spa for her!!! No fair! Before foot washing is communion. This was actually hailies first communion as well. I am so proud of her. She made me giggle while they were coming around with the grape juice. Pator M. was explaining how this drink was a symbol of the blood shed on the cross for us and I believe Hailie was not hearing the "symbol" part. Haha! She looked at me with a very confused look on her face and said "Momma what is that in that glass"?!!!! I had to re-explain. Gotta love them kids! After church services, my husband and I were able to go out to eat and to walmart by ourselves! Its so exciting to me to get to go to walmart with no kids to constantly chase or fuss with. Any who....that was my weekend and I hope you all have had just as amazing of a weekend as I have.

Also If there is anything I can pray about for you just inbox me. I am blessed to have so many of you who read this blog and get inspiration from it.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

finding the blessings in trials of this life

My favorite bible verse is John 16:33

  "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the wold."

This verse is read daily by me. It has so much meaning. No matter how big my problems are. No matter how horrible my day has been. I can take rest in knowing that My God is bigger and hes stronger than me and my problems. He is my comfort, my strength. He is my Hope. He is my fortress. He is my guide. He is my protector. He is my conscience. He is my father. He is my God.

I struggle daily with people who constantly try to drag me down. I struggle to keep my cool. I struggle to keep silent. Sometimes things are better left unsaid. Even in the midst of rage or hurt the thoughts that you are thinking should be taken to God in prayer before ever releasing them out of your mouth. Yes, this too I struggle with. We tend to say things we do not mean when we are angry.  But take a moment to yourself and ask yourself "Is this the way that God would want me to act in this situation".

Here are some bible verses that help me and I hope will help you when dealing with anger:

James 4:11 " Do not speak against one another, brethern. He who speaks against a brother, or judge his brother, speaks against the law, and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law, but a judge of it"

Phillippians 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatever is ture, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things."

Ephesians 4:29 "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear."

Proverbs 15:1 "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

James 3:5-7 "So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things. Behold, how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, the very wold of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell. For every species of beasts and birds of reptiles and craetures of the sea, is tamed, and has been tamed by the human race."

Psalms 19:14 "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight."

We as christians must be careful of what we say and how we deal with situations. The devil is always looking for ways to make us fail. He is always looking for that gateway that will seperate us from good. We must stand together and love one another. We must treat each other the way we would want to be treated.

Be careful what you say by mouth or by message because you never know who may be listening or reading. Words are powerful. Especially, us christians. We are supposed to be the light. We are watched by many and you never know who may be listening and looking to us for inspiration. Retaliation and/or verbal disputes do not show people the Good way of a christian life.

We must show the love that Jesus showed us to everyone.

In saying all this, I would like to say now that I practice what I preach my life has been so much better. I am happy. I am at peace. I am loved and I love in return. Life is Good!

Friday, September 21, 2012 going there!

Recently the FFR (Freedom From Religion) group decided that they would try to make the University of Tennessee stop praying during pregame.......

My thoughts:

When did we, christians, fail? How did such group even become acknowledgeable? Why do they care? Is saying a prayer really harming anyone else? What is the difference in imposing religion and imposing non-religion? Does "no prayer" really effect anyone other than the ones that believe turning to God for strength and guidance and to thank him for all that he has done?

My answers:

At some point in time christians decided to preserve the peace and became hushed because fighting a giant is kind of scary. Will you win or will you loose? Please revert back to the story of David and Galiath. We have a voice. We have strength from beyond our bodies. Its time to stand up and fight this giant.

We bow our heads for a "moment of silence"? Really, does saying its a "moment of silence" make you feel any better. You know we are praying!

Prayer has been around for thousands of years. Many organizations have turned to prayer before events for many years before one person decided that they didnt "like" prayer or they were "uncomfortable" during prayer. Is it any different that I as a christian feel uncomfortable about not having prayer before an event that has previously done so?

I see and hear stuff everyday that I do not like. I get over it and move on with my life. Quit worrying about what other people are doing with their lives. It has nothing to do with imposing beliefs on you or anyone else who do not believe in christianity.


Our Founding Fathers:

George Washington (Inaugural Address)
"The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained."

George Washington (Farewell Address)
"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness."
George Washington
"It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible."
George Washington
"The future of our country depends upon the Christian training of our youth."
George Washington
"Your love of liberty - your respect for the laws - your habits of industry - and your practice of the moral and religious obligations, are the strongest claims to national and individual happiness."
George Washington
"It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almight God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favors."
George Washington
"The Hand of providence has been so conspicuous in all this, that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitutde enough to acknowledge his obligations."
John Adams
“Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free Constitution is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People in a greater Measure, than they have it now, they may change their Rulers and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty.”
John Adams
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

John Adams
"It must be felt that there is no national security but in the nation's humble acknowledged dependence upon God and His overruling providence."

Thomas Jefferson
"God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God? That they are not to be violated by with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever."

Thomas Jefferson
"Adore God. Reverence and cherish your parents. Love your neighbor as yourself, and your country more than yourself. Be just. Be true. Murmur not at the ways of Providence. So shall the life into which you have entered be the portal to noe of eternal and ineffable bliss."
Thomas Jefferson
"It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution."
James Madison
"We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government; far from it. We've staked the future of all our political institutions upon our capacity sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."

James Madison
"The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state government, whose powers are more general. Charit is no part of the legilsative dut of the government."
James Madison
"It is impossible for the man of pious reflection not to perceive in it [the Constitution] a finger of that Almighty hand which has been so frequently and signally extended to our relief in the critical stages of the revolution."
John Jay (the First Chief Justice of the United States)
"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers."
John Jay (the First Chief Justice of the United States)
"Whether our religion permits Christians to vote for infidel rulers is a question which merits more consideration than it seems yet to have generally received either from the clergy or the laity. It appears to me that what the prophet said to Jehoshaphat about his attachment to Ahab ["Shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord?" 2nd Chronicles 19:2] affords a salutary lesson."

Joseph Story (Supreme Court Justice)
"I verily believe Christianity necessary to the support of civil society. One of the beautiful boasts of our minicipal jurisprudence is that Christianity is a part of the Common Law....There never has been a period in which Common Law did not recognize Christianity as laying its foundations."

Benjamin Franklin
"Whoever shall introduce into public affairs the principles of primitive Christianity will change the face of the world."

Benjamin Franklin
"If men are so wicked with religion, what would they be without it."
Thomas Paine
"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind. Where, say some, is the king of America? I'll tell you, friend, He reigns above."

George Mason
"The laws of nature are the laws of God, whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth."
Alexander Hamilton
"For my own part, I sincerely esteem it [the Constitution] a system which, without the finger of God, never could have been suggested and agreed upon by such a diversity of interests."

Alexander Hamilton
"....the present constitution is the standard to which we are to cling....Let an association be formed to be denominated 'The Christian Constitutional Society,' its object to be first: The support of the Christian religion. second: The support of the United States."

Samuel Adams
"Religion and good morals are the only solid foundation of public liberty and happiness."
Benjamin Rush
"The only foundation for...a republic is to be laid in Religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments."

Gouverneur Morris
"Religion is the only solid Base of morals and Morals are the only possible Support of free governments."
Charles Carroll (Signer of the Declaration of Independence)
"Without morals a repubic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure...are undermining the solid foundationof morals, the best security for the duration of free governnments."

Jedidiah Morse
"To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that degree of civil freedom, and political and social happiness which mankind now enjoys....Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government, and all blessings which flow from them, must fall with them."

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

L. O. V. E

This last week has been so hectic for me. Let me just make a list for you so you can get the feel of it. 

Monday- work then my wifely/motherly duties
Tuesday- day off...worked outside in flower beds all day. I even managed to completely kill an azaela bush.LOL. 
Wednesday- work/sick/sore throat all day (I dislike allergies)
Thursday- work/parent teacher conference/cook supper/give kids bath/got them to bed/took husband supper/ cooked 2 french loaves and a cake. 
Friday- work, husbands surprise bday party
saturday- work, football game at my house with friends/cooked  vegetable beef soup
sunday- church, wedding, reception, then to jackson to see baby Elisabeth Ditto. (and i was not just attending this wedding, I had to take the pictures)Did not even get home until 10:30
Monday- work/then up to midnight editing photos....
Tuesday- slept until 10 thanks to my loving husband. Then up to clean a very very very dirty house! cooked soup, had parents over for supper, submitted recipes, now blogging.

Now if your not tired from just reading that then you must be super mom! I know my feet hurt every night and I think I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow!! I dont even think I came home at all until bed time sunday....

But let me just say this, I loved every minute of it. I have recieved so much blessings this week its unreal.

So let me share my story of blessings.

My week started off slow with normal day to day duties and crazy kids who mean the world to me but take every ounce of energy I have out of me. Tuesday was so refreshing being outside in the beautiful sunshine and cool breeze. There is absolutely something therapuetic about fall coming and being able to be outside without sweating! Thank you God for changing of the seasons!But along with changing of the seasons comes aweful allergies. My throat was so sore wednesday from either the refreshing time outside the day before or the cold ive been fighting for 2 weeks...I worked through it though. I hate missing church on wednesday nights but I couldnt stand the thought of giving any potentially contagious cough to those precious kiddos. Thursday, oh dreadful Thursday! Usually Thursday is a great day. Im usually so refreshed from church the night before. But as you read, I didnt go. And, yes, I felt it. I was so stressed all day thursday! I had a million things to get done before dannys surprise bday party and nothing was going right. The worst part about thursday was parent teacher conference. Any of you who know my daughter know that she struggles with school. Bless her heart. Im not going to get into detail but all I ask is that you pray for her. Friday comes along and im now sleepy, stressed, and excited. My husband turns 30!!! All in all his bday party turned out a success. Friday became a great day. Saturday as I was at work thinking about what I was going to feed everyone that was going to be at my house when I got off work for the football game, I prayed. We needed groceries in the house...which I neglected to get the week before. No time to go grocery shopping....and to be honest the bday party kind of put a damper on the grocery fund. I called dannys grandmother to see if she had a few of the ingredients that I needed for supper. She said "Sure come on over". I got off work and drove to her house expecting to get the few cans of vegetalbes that I needed. I walked in the door to a table completely covered in groceries!!!! I couldnt have thanked her enough. Only if she knew how much we needed that. But God did. He knew what our need was. He chose to bless me with a giving grandmother. Wow. Praise him. After that experience my night just went wonderful. One of these days I will learn to stop stressing and know and believe that God makes all things Good. Sunday was amazing at church! Wedding was stressfull for some but I didnt let that damper my happiness. I picked up my friend to go see our friends baby that was born in Jackson. Its an hour drive so we had plenty of time to chit chat. She began to tell me about her husband who is struggling with religion. I told her not to worry that God was working on him. I began to talk to her about how I became to know christ. How I actually had to put it through my head that hes not some story book character. How he holds this whole world in his hands and nothing is too big for him. He is God and wants to be recognized as the one and only God. He is merciful, giving, forgiving, amazing, trustworthy, and true. He is Love. He invented Love. He gives love without recieving love. He is the perfect definition of Love. He loves unconditionally. I told her to pray for him. I believe I had about a hour serman with her!! But she is a great listner. God put those words in my mouth because for some reason that im not aware of...she needed to hear them. That was a blessing!

Im sorry it took so long to get to my blessings story but I just had to set the mood. I hope you enjoy!

Friday, September 7, 2012


This past Saturday our church set a booth up at the Adamsville Music Fest. Even though I was only able to be there a short time, we had a blast!!! The rain even held off a little :). I've added some pics of us at the music Fest!

Next our church youth is in full fundraising mode! We have these super cute girlie girl tshirts for sale from sizes youth small-youth large and they are 15.00 dollars Each! Support a good cause and help our youth!

The church decided that it was a good idea to spend Wednesday night at the fair with the church youth. We got it all set up and big thanks to Masonic lodge for getting 30 meals ready for us!!! We ate and enjoyed fellowship. The kids were even able to ride a few rides before the storm came!!! Lol! It always rains when we plan something!
So Now that it's storming we all meet up at the exhibit building. As we gather everyone and decide its best to he's home, the bottom drops! Yep! It's pouring!!!!! So I gather my little family together +Alaina and make a mad dash for the vehicle! We got soaked!!! Which leads to my next subject: sickness.

The very next day I am sick :( its aweful! My body hurts, my nose is running, fever, sweats... You name it I got it! Thanks to my wonderful boss I got to spend the Rest of afternoon in bed. And I must say my husband really stepped up to the plate taking care of kids and supper! He kinda got a little irritated bc he was doing a lot of my Thursday afternoon running. I just smiled and said "welcome to my world"!!! Go go go! But he handled it all do well! Bless him! So today I get up and go to work... Go to dr. Got a shot and bunch of meds! I am currently cuddled up in bed in this empty house because girls are at girlscouts sleepover and Caleb is with my most wonderful mother jn law!!!

I've been overwhelmed with prayers for my health. Thank you to all of you! I know they are working! Praises to God!!!!

Just to let y'all know I'm feeling somewhat better and I know that I'm climbing out of this valley!!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

football and glitter

Let me just start my post off by saying GO VOLS!!! So proud to be a Vols fan and I am loving some Cordorrelle Patterson

Next let me tell you about my nail polish revelation.

So its roughly around 9pm and the kids are in bed. I decide that I need some pampering so I decide to give myselp a mani/pedi. In the middle of painting my nails with some glittery polish the thought just popped in my head. Hear I am, in the new. I had scrubbed off all the ugly polish and loving the sparkle of my new polish. Oh how it shines and makes me feel so good! And that is exactly what Jesus does when he washes away our sins and makes us clean again. wow! Who knew painting your nails could be so spiritual??? lol. He will take away all of the unclean/unpretty things about us and leave us clean, shinning, sparkling with hope and faith in him. God is Good.