Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hello darling, its been a long time....

Wow, what to write about? So much has been going on here lately it seems i never have time to blog anymore. However, I love love love my blog! Here are a few things that have been going on lately

1. Tornado's Everywhere!....please everyone remember to pray for the victims of the tornadoes that swept through Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee! Complete Devestation...need I say more.

2. Easter!!!!! Without our saviour Jesus Christ we would all be headed for a very dark place. But becuase he is risen we are forgiven! Also, the kids enjoyed so many easter egg hunts. Caleb didnt care much for picking up the eggs. He prefered sticks! lol! I would have photos up here but I have lost my plug in for my camera :(

3. The Royal Wedding......sigh ... love....Oh how I absolutely loved the wedding. I loved everything about it. I loved watching history in the making!

4. Planning vacation to North Carolina in July! Yes, I am way overdue for some sister time! I love my sisters so much and miss them dearly!

With cities completely flattened and families completely torn by the recent tornadoes  many may ask why? We sometimes think has God left us? Does he hear our cries? Does he let these horrible things happen to us....?

The truth:
Where is God when all this happens? Do not good people pray for safety? The Bible says, "Am I a God at hand, saith the LORD, and not a God afar off?" (Jeremiah 23:23). The Son of God did not remain aloof from suffering. He suffers with the innocent. He was the classic example of the suffering of the innocent. As a matter of fact, from the beginning, He has done only good. He accepted the consequence of our rebellion against Himself, however. He did not stay away. He came down to this world and suffered in our suffering. God himself experienced the most horrible pain imaginable upon the cross. He endured the pain of the hostility of a sinful human race. He took upon Himself the consequence of our sins.
The real point when calamities happen is that it could happen to any of us at any time. It is because God is love that heartbeat follows heartbeat. He gives life and love to all. Billions of people wake up to fresh air, warm sunshine, delicious food, and comfortable homes. We have no individual claim on life, however, as though we had created ourselves. We must acknowledge that we live in a world that is subject to death from a variety of sources. We need to remember what Jesus said, that unless we repent we shall all likewise perish. Calamities serve to remind us of the fact that apart from the salvation which Jesus offers, there is no hope for the human race. We can expect more and more destruction as we come closer to the coming of Jesus. The Bible says, "A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the LORD hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the LORD" (Jeremiah 25:31). The message of the Lord is, "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed" (Romans 13:11).

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

catching up

Have I told you lately that I love Love Love Love my family.? well I do. My husband is wonderful. My daughter is beautiful. My son is the apple of my eye. I have been realy slacking on my church lately. I feel horrible. So yup sunday morning im getting my butt up and getting there on time for sunday school! I hope that my friend Lisa Hamm will join me!

Tomorrow night I am having dinner with the Terry's. yay! :) I think the Gammil's may be joining...not sure...but maybe they will it will be fun. Oh and maybe the O'steens as well! yea lots of last names i know....its alot shorter than saying all their names.

My friend Sinda is on the boat with her husband for 3 days......I want to be on the boat with my husband for 3 days.! And she is the only friend I have with and Iphone 4 and she still wont make time for FAce! I am starting to think I will never get to use that feature on my phone :(

Work is great. I am just thankful in todays world that I have a job!

Agenda for the next couple of days: thursday night dinner with friends, friday night diamonds sweet 16 and wedding rehearsal and dinner with amanda and mindy, saturday night Amandas wedding (congrats amanda and dan), sunday well sunday is the Lords day I will let him choose what I do that day!

Bible verse tonight:

Hebrews 13:8 

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

This is a great bible verse for anyone who feels as if everyone around them are changing and growing apart from them. Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever...He is your friend always and forever. Praise him for every second you are given for those seconds are blessings from God.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

As I sit her tonight, I cannot help but think about candice and pj. Such strong parents. Such strong people. I look at my facebook and all I see is Traci's family being lifted up in prayer. So many people loved this little girl. She was a fighter through and through. She was an inspiration to so many, including myself. She was definetely a GODSEND. I do not know how these two wonderful people were able to go through what they had to do today. I just know that they did it so well. So strong. I keep saying that word because thats all they have been. They are strong in their faith. They were so strong for little Traci.

On another note: I am by no means shape or form questioning Gods plan for us. That little baby had so many prayers going up all the time. When I got the phone call about her condition I immediately prayed and prayed and prayed and asked for prayers we prayed together...I did alot of praying that night and so did so many people. I cant help but wonder was the man upstairs hearing me.? maybe he was hearing all of our prayers. We all wanted her to be better quick and fast. We all wanted her to be okay. To sum this up she got better quick fast and is ok. Although that is not the kind of better we wanted or her mommy and daddy wanted thats the kind of better she must have needed.

Also, after all this happening I now am so sick and tired of hearing everyones crap on facebook. sorry its the truth. There are certain people on my facebook that complain about everything all the time...Guess what people, your situation is a heck of alot better than some others right now so count your blessings that you have a job, that you have a aggervating boyfriend/husband, count your blessings you have the friends that you do have ( p.s. if they were real friends they would not be making you feel like crap), count your blessings that you have your kids right there with you.

I pray that candice and pj keep their faith strong. The bible promises a place for us. As long as we all walk in the way of the Lord we will all see traci again.

Prayer Request tonight for: Steely family, Kayce Renfroe, the Doyle family, and the so many that need comfort tonight.

Bible verse tonight: Psalm 71:20-21Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once again.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

No Words

I havent posted in a while. I have been super busy, Im Sorry! This week has been a very hard week for a lot  of people close to me. As of last night heaven gained an angel. Sweet baby girl Traci Lynn Steely flew away on wings of an eagle. This sweet angel has touched my heart so much. I have no words to describe how we all feel. I have no words at all. I am so shocked. After battling AML and defeating it everyones hopes were high. She was such a trooper. The Cancer did not take her away from this world. However, an infection did. Her little body couldnt handle anymore. God seen fit to give her body rest. As we all mourn the loss of her I cant help but think "why such a small precious child"? It is not for me to question why. God has a plan for all of us. Last night I prayed hard....Everyone prayed hard that she would make it through the night. We prayed, and prayed, and prayed. I got the news as soon as I pulled up at a friends house to have a prayer gathering...I thought what if we had done this just a little bit earlier...would it have made a difference? This morning I woke up and in my mind I kept thinking im going to look on facebook and see if her moms post would go like this : "Thanks for all the prayers tooter is doing much better" However, that never came. sad. I cannot begin to imagine what her mommy and daddy are going through. It made me appreciate what I have so much more. Do not take any second for granted. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. Her battle made me stronger. I love you Traci Lynn Steely. I will see you in Heaven.

*The family of Traci lynn has been through so much and still going through alot. Way too much to bear. Now I pray for comfort for her family. Traci's aunt is battling cancer again...That family is so strong. Kayce you will always be in my will you traci and candice and pj and their whole entire family.

* My really close friend Lisa Hamm's husbands  grandmother passed away this past week also. She was a very godly woman. I did not get the pleasure of meeting her. However, her church family and her family are the sweetest people I know. I hold them all dear to my heart. As I listened to the preacher speak at her funeral today, I couldnt help but want to be just like her. She praised God on her death bed. Wow. Its so much easier to ask why instead she praised him for his glory and blessings. Sister Mary Ruth Hamm may you Rest In Peace.

There is so much going on in this world today.So much sickness, so much pain. Lord God give us peace.